Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government


Online Security Is A 24/7 Concern

Arrowhead Bank is concerned with your financial and personal information security, so we want to bring you the following information to help keep that information safe and secure.  As commerce has become more mobile, so has our banking.  From checking account balances, to transferring money, to paying bills to shopping online, we spend more and more of our time using our computers and devices to complete our daily tasks.  For information on how to keep your personal information secure, click here.

Securing the Perimeter

Maintaining the security of our tools is one way to ensure that we are utilizing the best security practices available.  Keeping our computers and devices updated with the most current software updates and security patches is an easy way to safeguard our online activities.

Security-Tip Newsletter

Arrowhead Bank is a member of FS-ISAC, a global financial service information sharing group. FS-ISAC gives the bank a resource for cyber and physical threat intelligence analysis and sharing. Constantly gathering reliable and timely information from financial services providers, commercial security firms, federal/national, state, and local government agencies, law enforcement and other trusted resources, the FS-ISAC quickly disseminates physical and cyber threat alerts and other critical information to its members, and we are able to pass this information on to our customers. To read the most recent edition of our Security-Tips Newsletter, click here.

Remaining on Guard

Being vigilant while online can help minimize your chance of becoming the victim of a scam just as importantly as keeping tabs on your physical security.  Arrowhead Bank will continue to provide you with the information to maintain the safety and security of your financial information while utilizing our online banking in addition to other online commercial activities.

Keep an Eye Out for Scams

More people today spend an inordinate amount of time in an attempt to defraud good people of their money and personal information.  Recognizing those trying to commit fraud and the scams they use is a good way to avoid them altogether.  For information on how to recognize and avoid scams online, click here.

ID Theft and What to Do

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the nation’s consumer protection agency. The FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace.  To visit their website for information on identity theft, click here.

For information on what to do in case of identity theft, our ID Theft Repair Kit is a helpful place to begin.

Arrowhead Bank’s Security Services

We do everything we can to keep your financial and personal information safe and secure.  Our Security Services Information details what Arrowhead Bank has incorporated to protect your private banking information.  To read about steps we take to safeguard your information, additional layers of security we can add to your existing accounts and things you can do to oversee your online activity, click here.

What Can You Do to Help?

Just as we do our best to keep your banking environment secure whether in person or online, you must also do your part to be safe and secure while banking online.  Arrowhead Bank utilizes this Fraud Protection and Response Guide for customers who choose to bank outside of our physical locations.  For information on what you can do in the fight against fraud and identity theft, click here.

How to Protect Your Business

Over the last several years, fraud against business has increased dramatically as thieves began to realize that targeting businesses usually result in larger payouts for their troubles.  Arrowhead Bank is committed to helping our commercial customers fight corporate account takeover (CATO) by using practices and services that minimize the likelihood for such an event.  For information on Arrowhead Bank’s CATO efforts and things you can do to mitigate the risk of corporate account takeover for your business, click here.